Game news
Best Friends Forever 3 should be done sometime during christmas break, but theres not much news their, its just a remake of the first one pretty much.
Working on a sick game with Taro nuke, that should be done... someday?
The A OKs
I went to a big d and the kid table concert (Ft. Sonic Boom Six, and the Potato pirates) at the marquis last night, and the opener was a local band called the A oks, they were really sick, and so I start looking them up to see if they had a website or whatever so I can check out more of their music. And found out they had a newgrounds account, So I want you all to check them out.
They were good, Sonic Boom Six were decent, the female singers voice was the highest pitched thing I've ever heard in my life so I had to go sit in the hall for part of it because she was going to blow out my ears. Then Big d and the kids table were awesome as always, I got up on stage and stage dived which was pretty crazy. It was a sick concert.
And I shall leave you on a positive note
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brilliant video
Mcbess is the man.