Best Friends Forever 2- this game was released a week or two ago, we worked hard on it so enjoy.
Adventure Al- A adventure platformer that me and kyle da fox are creating, some info here
DeathGore The game- Canceled for now because I hate you
Playstation 3 havent played metal gear for a bit, I picked up crash bandicute 2 and I am loving it, the playstation is great for ps1 games
Looking For Game Developers Join my crew, talk to me
Castle Crashers Imma get it
looking for game developers ?
ive been dabbleing in a bit of both, my coding ability is preety crappy thugh
more like you develop a game and we make games for our site (sponsors aswell but) we have it on our site and have a bit of a community for game development.
just developers, either if anyone needs help finding a coder or artist I could probably set that up.